Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2023
Location: Online, 1:00 – 2:00pm AEST
Organiser: Austroads
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Austroads has recently completed a project that investigated road-based treatments as a perceptual countermeasure (PCM) to influence motorcyclist perceptions of speed and lane width in order to incentivise a safe approach when negotiating critical curves on regional and rural roads.
As part of the project, a trial was conducted to assess whether a specifically designed lane marking layout can alter travelling speed and/or lane position of motorcyclists when negotiating curves along rural roads on a recreational riding route. The trialled PCM was a modified version of a peripheral transverse line marking, characterised by incrementally wider painted blocks through the curve apex. The trial was conducted at two curves characterised by either high or low curvature along Mt Mee Road, a popular motorcyclist recreational riding route in Queensland with a known crash history.
This webinar, presented by Dr Mario Mongiardini and Dr Tana Tan, will provide a detailed overview of the project and its findings.
There will be question and answer opportunities during the session.
Dr Mario Mongiardini’s research focus is on safety of road infrastructure, with specific emphasis on the implementation of the Safe System approach solutions to achieve various objectives ranging from speed mitigation in dangerous zones to shielding road users from hazards. He has gained experience in performing detailed analysis of various types of data applied to road safety research projects, including analysis of the speed mitigation created by specific ITS solutions applied at rural intersections and analysis of data from Naturalistic Driving Studies (NDS) to identify the interaction between travel speed and infrastructure. He joined the Centre for Automotive Safety Research (CASR) in 2018 after previously working at the Transport and Road Safety (TARS) research centre.
Dr Tana Tan is the research & evaluation lead at Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd and has over 15 years of experience as a researcher, project manager, consultant, and trainer. He has authored several peer reviewed papers on vehicle safety and has led several motorcycle safety projects. He is also motorcyclist thus, understands the safety issues in this field well. Tana has also led a number of projects including Austroads Guide to Road Safety Restructure and Update, Austroads Practical Guide for Managing and Regional Road Safety Priorities, Austroads LAMS Update, VicRoads/DoT Update of the Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly Guide, TfNSW ATLM and Motorcycle Stability Pilot Evaluation, and TAC Safe System Crash Investigation Program. He is also a reviewer for the Journal of Road Safety and recipient of the 2020 ACRS Young Leaders Oration Award.
No charge but registration is essential.
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