Best Practice in Smart Motorways Operations
- Publication no: AP-G99-22
- ISBN: 978-1-922700-55-1
- Published: 14 November 2022
- PDF (free) Download
Best Practice in Smart Motorways Operations provides transport agencies with a set of guidelines and supporting information for motorway integration, operations and management capabilities.
The document serves to promote best practice, centred around capabilities in:
- Integration planning and transition to operations of new motorways and enhanced motorways.
- Operation of existing motorways.
- Motorway management (which includes infrastructure planning, operational planning and operations) and resource capability planning.
Watch a webinar with David Yee, Simon Gough and Joanne Deng for a detailed overview of the report.
- Summary
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Purpose
- 1.2 Scope and Content
- 1.3 Capability Context
- 1.3.1 Background
- 1.3.2 Scope Exclusions
- 1.4 Guidelines Use
- Glossary
- Part I: Models and Frameworks
- 2. Scope of Traffic/Transport Management Centre Services
- 2.1 Different Types of Operations
- 2.2 Traffic Management Centres (TMCs)
- 2.2.1 Context
- 2.2.2 General Description
- 2.2.3 TMC Collaboration
- 2.2.4 Relationships between Different TMCs
- 3. The Smart Motorway Classification Model
- 3.1 Model Introduction
- 3.1.1 Overview
- 3.1.2 Dimensions Covered in the SMCM
- 3.2 Typical Operating Characteristics
- 3.2.1 Operating Characteristics Levels
- 3.2.2 Operating Characteristics Categories
- 3.2.3 Operating Characteristics Levels and Categories
- 3.2.4 Planning for Enhanced Operations
- 3.3 Technology View
- 3.4 Typical Operational Outcomes
- 3.4.1 Typical Operational Outcomes
- 3.4.2 Key Performance Indicators
- 3.4.3 Target Setting
- 3.5 How to Use the SMCM
- 3.5.1 General Instructions
- 3.5.2 Example use of the SMCM
- 3.1 Model Introduction
- 4. The Capability Framework
- 4.1 Framework Introduction
- 4.1.1 Overview
- 4.1.2 Organisational Capability and Human Resource Requirements
- 4.2 Motorway Operations
- 4.3 Capability
- 4.3.1 Initial Capability
- 4.3.2 Environment
- 4.3.3 Competence
- 4.4 Training
- 4.4.1 Subjects, Modules and Assessments
- 4.1 Framework Introduction
- 5. Intersection between SMCM and Capability Framework
- 5.1 The Intersection
- 5.2 Capability Framework Tasks by SMCM Operating Characteristic Levels
- Part II: Motorway Operations Functions and Sub-Functions
- 6. TMC Business Management
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Quality Management
- 6.2.1 Purpose and Background
- 6.2.2 Quality Management Responsibilities
- 6.2.3 Continuous Improvement
- 6.3 Operator Capability and Training
- 6.3.1 Purpose and Background
- 6.3.2 Operator Capability and Training Responsibilities
- 6.3.3 Competency Management
- 6.3.4 Example of Learning and Development Steps for New Staff
- 6.3.5 Example of Competency Progression
- 6.3.6 Training Types
- 6.3.7 Training Focus
- 6.4 Stakeholder Relationships
- 6.4.1 Purpose and Background
- 6.4.2 Stakeholder Relationships Responsibilities
- 6.4.3 Case Study
- 6.5 Asset Management
- 6.5.1 Purpose and Background
- 6.5.2 Asset Management Responsibilities
- 6.5.3 Facility Management Responsibilities
- 6.5.4 Fault Management Responsibilities
- 6.6 People Management
- 6.6.1 Purpose
- 6.6.2 People Management Responsibilities
- 6.6.3 Recruitment
- 6.6.4 TMC Roles
- 6.6.5 Staffing Levels
- 6.6.6 Example Organisation Structure
- 6.7 Systems Management
- 6.7.1 Purpose and Background
- 6.7.2 Systems Management Responsibilities
- 6.7.3 Case Study
- 7. Live Motorway Operations
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.1.1 Live Operations Purpose
- 7.1.2 Motorway Operations ‘Tools’
- 7.2 Intelligence
- 7.2.1 Purpose
- 7.2.2 Intelligence Tasks
- 7.2.3 Case Study
- 7.3 Traffic Control
- 7.3.1 Purpose
- 7.3.2 Traffic Control Tasks
- 7.4 Traveller Information
- 7.4.1 Purpose and Background
- 7.4.2 Traveller Information Tasks
- 7.4.3 Case Study
- 7.5 Incident Management
- 7.5.1 Purpose and Background
- 7.5.2 Incident Management Tasks
- 7.5.3 Case Study
- 7.1 Introduction
- 8. Motorway Operational Planning and Optimisation
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Network Operations Planning
- 8.3 Concept of Operations (ConOps)
- 8.3.1 ConOps Responsibilities
- 8.3.2 Case Study
- 8.4 Incident Management Planning
- 8.4.1 Incident Management Planning Responsibilities
- 8.4.2 Police and Emergency Services Relationship
- 8.4.3 Incident Field Resources
- 8.4.4 Incident Types
- 8.4.5 Incident Management Debriefs
- 8.4.6 Case Study 1
- 8.4.7 Case Study 2
- 8.5 Planned Network Access Management
- 8.5.1 Planned Network Access Management Responsibilities
- 8.5.2 Case Study 1
- 8.5.3 Case Study 2
- 8.6 Optimising TMC Operations
- 8.6.1 Maturity Self-Assessment
- 8.7 Network Traffic Optimisation
- 8.7.1 Network Traffic Optimisation Responsibilities
- 8.7.2 Travel Demand Management
- 8.7.3 Case Study
- Part III: Projects Integration
- 9. Motorway Projects Integration
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.1.1 Context
- 9.1.2 Project Scale and Lifecycle
- 9.1.3 Who should use this Section?
- 9.1.4 How to use this Section
- 9.1.5 Project Liaison Role
- 9.1.6 Project-Operations Interactions
- 9.2 Projects Integration Objective
- 9.3 Preparation for Project Integration
- 9.3.1 Context
- 9.3.2 Technical Requirements Specification Examples
- 9.4 Project Development (Planning and Design)
- 9.4.1 Introduction
- 9.4.2 Information Flow – from Operations Team to the Project
- 9.4.3 Collaboration between Operations Team and Project Team
- 9.4.4 Information Flow – from the Project to the Operations Team
- 9.5 Project Delivery – Smart Motorways Technology
- 9.5.1 Introduction
- 9.5.2 Information Flow – from Operations Team to the Project
- 9.5.3 Collaboration between Operations Team and Project Team
- 9.5.4 Information Flow – from the Project to the Operations Team
- 9.6 Project Delivery – Temporary Traffic Management
- 9.6.1 Introduction
- 9.6.2 Information Flow – from Operations Team to the Project
- 9.6.3 Collaboration between Operations Team and Project Team
- 9.6.4 Information Flow – from the Project to the Operations Team
- 9.6.5 Case Study
- 9.7 Project Handover (Including Implementation)
- 9.7.1 Introduction
- 9.7.2 Information Flow – from Operations Team to the Project
- 9.7.3 Collaboration between Operations Team and Project Team
- 9.7.4 Information Flow – from Project to the Operations Team
- 9.1 Introduction
- References
- Appendix A Smart Motorways Classification Model Overview
- Appendix B Impact of Shortlisted Future Trends on Motorway Operations
- Appendix C Maturity Self-Assessment Checklist
- Appendix D Example of Incident Management Levels
- Appendix E Example Memorandum of Understanding
- Appendix F Example of Incident Management Operator Checklist
- Appendix G Example TMC Operator Training Timeline Overview
- Appendix H Improving Fault Management with an Agile Platform
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