Environment & Sustainability Task Force and Projects

About the program

A sustainable transport system is essential to mitigating and managing the effects of climate change, creating livable places, reducing waste, supporting the health and well-being of communities, and protecting our unique flora and fauna.

The Program’s vision is that environmental and sustainability outcomes are at the heart of transport decision-making.

The Environment and Sustainability Task Force, which has representatives from all Australian and New Zealand transport agencies, is a trans-Tasman collaboration providing leadership and best practice guidance, and driving improvements in the environment and sustainability in transport.

The work of the Program is focused around five key themes:

  • climate change resilience
  • biodiversity
  • human health
  • circular economy outcomes
  • greenhouse gas emissions.

Environment & Sustainability Task Force Projects

Contact the program

Joanne Vanselow 

Program Manager

Get in touch with Joanne at JVanselow@austroads.gov.au

Shruti Patel

Program Coordinator

Get in touch with Shruti at SPatel@austroads.gov.au