
New Zealand and Australia face significant growth in the freight task in coming years. This growth will require better management of freight and more optimal use of all transport modes. Our Freight focus is on community attitudes, network utilisation, infrastructure investment, data and forecasting, and contributing to a national approach to regulation and compliance.

Latest publications and webinars

Zero Emission Heavy Vehicles and Road Pavements: Comparing Australia and New Zealand to Europe and North America
Australia’s freight industry is at a turning point. The transition to low and zero-emission heavy vehicles (ZEHVs) is critical to achieving net zero targets, but it presents significant challenges for road infrastructure. As these vehicles are often…
Zero Emission Heavy Vehicles and Road Pavements: Comparing Australia and New Zealand to Europe and North America
This report compares local (Australia and New Zealand) and selected international (Europe and North America) approaches to pavement design, heavy vehicle mass limits and supporting decarbonisation of the heavy vehicle fleet. This report complements…
Webinar: Opportunities to Increase Freight and Supply Chain Resilience
Austroads has updated their Lifeline Risk Indicator Tool and migrated it to the Austroads website as an online-enabled tool. This tool has two purposes. First is to identify lifeline freight routes and allow road managers to establish a lifeline…

Austroads' Freight Task Force and their projects.

Access the tool designed to help road managers and funders consider and prioritise lifeline routes when making road investment decisions.

The NAAS will support road managers to provide access decisions more efficiently, driving productivity and safety across state borders.

Have your say on the proposed National Access Framework for Heavy Vehicles.

Lifeline Risk Indicator

Lifelines are highly valued freight routes that do not deliver positive outcomes in conventional cost-benefit analysis assessments due to their relatively low traffic levels. This tool is designed to help road managers and funders consider and prioritise lifeline routes when making road investment decisions.