Network Operations

The transport of people and goods is essential to the economic and social development of the community. Our network operations focus is to improve the efficient, reliable and safe operation of the road network.

Latest publications and webinars

Webinar: Opportunities to Increase Freight and Supply Chain Resilience
Austroads has updated their Lifeline Risk Indicator Tool and migrated it to the Austroads website as an online-enabled tool. This tool has two purposes. First is to identify lifeline freight routes and allow road managers to establish a lifeline…
Opportunities to Increase Freight and Supply Chain Resilience
  • AP-R714-24
  • 21 October 2024
  • Research Reports
In Australia and New Zealand maintaining road connections to communities in rural and/or remote areas is vital as often there is a lack of alternative connections. Where there are few road options to communities, these are known as lifeline routes.…
Webinar: Gender Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines
  • WEB-GSUD-24
  • 11 July 2024
  • Webinars
Cities throughout the world are recognising many public spaces are not welcoming or inclusive, particularly for women, girls, gender diverse groups and vulnerable people. This webinar, presented by Anna Chauvel and Richmond Henty, focuses on…

The Network Task Force's objective is to improve the efficient, reliable and safe operation of the road network. Read about their work and projects.

Austroads' Guide to Traffic Management provides comprehensive traffic management guidance for practitioners involved in traffic engineering, road design and road safety.

Austroads' Guide to Smart Motorways  provides practitioners with a standardised set of smart motorway information within a single reference document.

A overview of Austroads' projects to develop a National ITS Architecture,  a priority action in the Policy Framework for ITS in Australia. 

The Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool helps practitioners select the most appropriate type of pedestrian crossing based on walkability, safety and economic outcomes. Link to Tool and user guide.

Background to the development of the SmartRoads Tool and links to the current version.

This library provides practitioners with a Network Operation Planning framework, links to more detailed information and Australasian case studies.