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Showing 1 - 10 of 2,217 Publications
Supply of Roller Compacted Concrete
Austroads Technical Specification ATS 3535 sets out the requirements for the supply and delivery of Roller Compacted Concrete for use in road pavements.
Construction of Roller Compacted Concrete Subbase
Austroads Technical Specification ATS 3540 sets out the requirements for the construction of Roller Compacted Concrete to be used as a subbase under an asphalt base.
No-fines Concrete Subbase
Austroads Technical Specification ATS 3510 sets out the requirements for the construction of no-fines concrete subbase (NFC).
Installation of Driven Piles
Austroads Technical Specification ATS 5230 sets out the requirements for the supply and installation of the following types of driven piles: prestressed concrete piles
Modified Surface Texture Depth (Pestle Method)
This test method describes the procedure for the determination of the surface texture depth of road surfaces, by the sand patch technique. This method is only applicable to surface texture depths greater than 0.3 mm and is the preferred method for…
Calculation of the Characteristic Value of a Lot
Where a statistical approach to product acceptance is used, the characteristic value for the lot is determined by analysing multiple random test results from the lot. Characteristic values may be specified for properties such as geotextile strength,…
Supply of Aggregate for Asphalt
Austroads Technical Specification ATS 3130 sets out the requirements for the supply of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate for use in the production of asphalt.
Preformed Joint Fillers for Concrete Road Pavements and Structures
Austroads Technical Specification ATS 3505 sets out the requirements for the supply of preformed expansion joint fillers, both non-expanding and self-expanding types. These joint fillers show relatively little extrusion and a large amount of…
Zero Emission Heavy Vehicles and Road Pavements: Comparing Australia and New Zealand to Europe and North America
This report compares local (Australia and New Zealand) and selected international (Europe and North America) approaches to pavement design, heavy vehicle mass limits and supporting decarbonisation of the heavy vehicle fleet. This report complements…
Vertical Wick Drains
Austroads Technical Specification ATS 2260 sets out the requirements for the supply and installation of vertical Wick Drains.