Active Travel

Walking and cycling are important means of transport. Projects with an active travel focus are primarily undertaken in by the Transport Network Operations and Road Safety and Design Programs.

Latest publications and webinars

Improving Austroads Guidance for Cycling and Micromobility Planning
This report provides recommendations to improve the current guidance on cycling and micromobility planning in Austroads Guide to Traffic Management (AGTM).
Webinar: Christchurch Major Cycleway Programme: The Natural Disaster That Was a Catalyst for Change
Christchurch has developed over 75km of separated cycle facilities retrofitted across the road network. The Major Cycleway Programme has enabled Christchurch to become the leader for cycle infrastructure in New Zealand. The 2011 earthquakes…
Webinar: Policy and Other Non-Infrastructure Measures to Increase Active Transport Mode Share
This is the final webinar in the three-part webinar series to present the outcomes of the Austroads project &ldquo

An overview of Austroads' approach to cycling and walking.

The Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool helps practitioners select the most appropriate type of pedestrian crossing based on walkability, safety and economic outcomes. Link to Tool and user guide.

An overview of the biennial Cycling Participation Survey.

Keeping People Safe When Walking

Learn about Austroads’ efforts to improve pedestrian safety through the Keeping People Safe When Walking project.