Registration and Licensing

Our registration and licensing focus is to harmonise policy and programs, and improve customer service and service delivery.

Latest publications and webinars

Assessing Fitness to Drive Implementation: Phase 3 Activities and Achievements
This report describes the progress of the Assessing Fitness to Drive Implementation project during its first full year of operation. It describes the structures, systems, and resources established to support project operations, and the main…
Webinar: Demystifying Digital Drivers Licences and the Austroads Digital Trust Service
This webinar provides an overview of Mobile Drivers Licences (mDL) and Austroads Digital Trust Service.
Webinar: Driver Licensing Directions
  • WEB-G107-24
  • 6 February 2024
  • Webinars
To guide the development of licensing practice in Australia all states and territories have agreed to the five principles of aspirational intent to guide and inform their licensing policy and work programs. This webinar outlines these five principles…

Austroads' Registration and Licensing Task Force and their projects.

The review of the National Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency Framework will produce improvements for heavy vehicle driver training and licensing systems across Australia.

This page provides information about car and motorcycle driver licences issued in Australia. 

National Indentity Proofing Guidelines and the importance of driver licenses in identity management.