Registration and Licensing
- Publication no: AP-C97-16
- Published: 24 June 2016
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The Austroads Learning to Drive handbook is part of a toolkit designed to improve driver licensing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in remote communities.
The handbook covers the road rules, including road signs, and is written in plain English. It is specifically targeted to the learning needs Indigenous people. It can be applied in urban, rural and remote communities. It is also a sought-after resource by migrant resource centres, TAFEs and not for profit organisations running community programs supporting people whose first language is not English.
A PDF of the handbook can be downloaded free of charge.
Single or multiple hardcopies can be ordered for $15 to cover postage and handling in Australia. Contact Can Print for a quote for international orders.
Resource pack
The toolkit includes gameboards, tokens, die, cards, and learning support materials such as PowerPoint presentations and handouts. While Austroads can no longer supply the full kit, the electronic resources may be downloaded from the link below.
Download the resource pack | 30.2 MB Zip folder
- 1. What the word means in plain English
- 2. Road signs
- Road law signs
- Warning signs
- Hazard markers
- Roadwork signs
- Information signs
- 3. Giving way
- Intersections
- Crossroads
- T-Intersections or T-Junctions
- 4. Intersections with signs
- Intersections with one sign
- Intersections with two or more signs
- More than 2 vehicles at an intersection
- 5. Traffic lights
- Roundabouts
- Slip lanes
- Entering or leaving a road
- 6. Narrow roads and bridges
- 7. Other road users
- Horse and bicycle riders
- Buses
- Emergency vehicles
- Level crossings
- Merging
- U-turns
- Parked vehicles
- 8. Learner driver rules
- Test yourself: Answers