Drivers & Vehicles

The national driver medical standards, Assessing Fitness to Drive, set out the considerations and medical criteria for safe driving. They also guide the management of drivers with health conditions so that they may continue to drive for as long as it is safe to do so.

Links to Austroads Connected and Automated Vehicles program, projects, publications and Australasian trials. 

Links to the National Exchange of Vehicle & Driver Information System (NEVDIS) contacts for PPSR enquiries, manufacturers and importers.

Links for overseas visitors, permananet residents, and countries seeking recognition of their licences.

Links to the Registration and Licensing Task Force, projects and publications, as well as information about identity and car and motorcycle driver licences issued in Australia. 

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) is an Austroads business unit. It plays a vital role in assessing and certifying telematics and vehicle-based technologies.