Registration and Licensing Task Force and Projects

Registration and Licensing Task Force

The Registration and Licensing Task Force aims to support social and economic outcomes, and improve road safety and security by:

  • enhancing consistency, security and integrity of systems and processes
  • delivering harmonised driver licensing practice and vehicle identification.

The representatives on the Registration and Licensing Task Force consider licensing practices across Australia. They share common goals:

  • to develop and promote national policies and procedures
  • to harmonise driver licensing schemes, and
  • ensure the seamless transfer of driver licences across jurisdictional borders.

The Task Force facilitates collaboration between jurisdictions to ensure best practice is consistently implemented.

While a driver’s licence is not intended to be an identity document it is widely recognised and used in the community for this purpose. The Registration and Licensing Task Force works to ensure the security and integrity of the driver licence card is upheld through improving business innovations such as the Document Verification Service, national best practice customer enrolment frameworks and biometric identifiers such as facial recognition.

Registration and Licensing Task Force Projects

Project Number Project NameProgramSub-programStatus
SRL6340 Heavy Vehicle Hazard Perception Test Road Safety and Design Registration and Licensing Task Force Active
SRL6368 Developing an implementation transition strategy for overseas driver licensing Road Safety and Design Registration and Licensing Task Force Active
SRL6414 Implementing an ADAS guidance service Road Safety and Design Registration and Licensing Task Force Active

Assessing Fitness to Drive implementation – delivery and growth

Road Safety and Design Registration and Licensing Task Force Active
SRL6503 Investigating equitable pathways for road user access Road Safety and Design Registration and Licensing Task Force Active
SRL6504 Overseas licensing policy review – implementation phase B Road Safety and Design Registration and Licensing Task Force Active

Program Contacts

The Registration and Licensing Task Force is part of the Austroads Road Safety and Design Program.

Road Safety and Design Program Manager: Michael Nieuwesteeg

Road Safety and Design Program Coordinator: Jessica Olivera
P: +61 2 8265 3323