Project Number: NEF6393
The project is being delivered in four stages, with practical project gateways in place between each stage. This will help deliver functional outcomes that support progressive adoption of the NAAS. We are currently delivering stage 1, which includes:
A legal assessment of how NAAS will work across:
– the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL)
– any applicable derogations from the HVNL by individual state and territories
– applicable laws in non-HVNL states and territories
– applicable laws in New Zealand.
A detailed concept of operations document. This will capture:
– The current approach to access across the breadth of road managers.
– The current approach to structure (that is, bridge), road and pavement assessment and, importantly, the consequences for the NAAS as a single seamless system across road managers.
– Key requirements different parties have of the NAAS, including road authorities, road managers, heavy vehicle operators and regulators (especially the NHVR)
– The policy settings needed for the NAAS to make sure it will meet the requirements of all stakeholders.
– The NAAS design, architecture and necessary operational environment to support stakeholder needs.
A communications and engagement plan which supports the project.
Proposed outputs: The National Automated Access System, which will be available to road managers in Australia and New Zealand.
Consultants: Chris Koniditsiotis
Program: Transport Network Operations [Freight ]
Status: Complete