Test Methods and Specifications

Cover of Fabrication of Aluminium Components
Fabrication of Aluminium Components
  • Publication no: ATS-5430-23
  • Published: 11 October 2023
  • Edition: 1.1

Austroads Technical Specification ATS 5430 sets out the requirements for the fabrication of aluminium components for bridges, gantries, roadside furniture, poles and related structures. This includes the supply of materials, preparation of materials, assembly, welding, testing, inspection, packing, handling and delivery to site. The components may be manufactured from plates and wrought, drawn and/or extruded sections.

The Contractor must ensure that the Fabricator complies with this Specification. The Contractor may be the same entity as the Fabricator.

The technical specification can also be downloaded as a Word document.

Edition 1.1 adds a reference to AS 1874 in Table 6.1 and replaces zinc chromate primer with surface-tolerant epoxy in clause 11.4.

Edition 1.1 adds a reference to AS 1874 in Table 6.1 and replaces zinc chromate primer with surface-tolerant epoxy in clause 11.4.

  • 1. Scope
  • 2. Referenced Documents
  • 3. Definitions
  • 4. Quality System Requirements
  • 5. Shop Drawings
  • 6. Materials
  • 7. Fabrication
  • 8. Welding
  • 9. Completion and Inspection of Welds
  • 10. Shop Assembly
  • 11. Protective Coating
  • 12. Marking, Handling and Transportation
  • 13. Certification
  • Annexure A: Summary of Hold Points, Witness Points and Records