Connected and Automated Vehicles
- Publication no: AP-R585-18
- ISBN: 978-1-925671-84-1
- Published: 26 October 2018
- PDF (free) Download
This report on a compliance assessment framework (CAF) for cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) for Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) covers the key findings from a literature review and stakeholder consultations and describes the main CAF model options for C-ITS.
The C-ITS CAF options cover status quo, self-regulation, quasi-regulation and regulation, whereby the level of regulation and assurance by the government increases with each option.
The report sets out options for the development of a C-ITS CAF for ANZ, including the proposed approach based on hybrid model options and guidance relating to key topics, such as governance architecture and approval processes.
It provides recommendations for the main tasks to be undertaken in the further development and implementation of an ANZ C-ITS CAF.
- Summary
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Project Background
- 1.1.1 ITS stations
- 1.1.2 C-ITS compliance assessment framework
- 1.2 Project Overview
- 1.1 Project Background
- 2. Literature Review
- 2.1 Approach
- 2.2 ANZ C-ITS Context and State of Play
- 2.2.1 Austroads C-ITS Program
- 2.2.2 C-ITS Trials and Pilots in ANZ
- 2.2.3 Safety Assurance System for Automated Vehicles
- 2.2.4 Vehicle Standards and Regulations in ANZ
- 2.2.5 Linkage to Other Initiatives in ANZ
- 2.3 Global C-ITS Developments
- 2.3.1 EU C-ITS State of Play
- 2.3.2 US C-ITS State of Play
- 2.4 Key Findings
- 3. Development and Evaluation of ANZ C-ITS CAF Models
- 3.1 Basic Assumptions towards an ANZ C-ITS CAF
- 3.2 Models to be considered for an ANZ C-ITS CAF
- 3.2.1 Continue current approach
- 3.2.2 Industry certification
- 3.2.3 Public sector certification
- 3.2.4 C-ITS regulation
- 3.2.5 C-ITS CAF in an overarching governance architecture
- 3.2.6 Overview of the C-ITS CAF model options
- 3.3 Evaluation Criteria
- 3.4 Assessment of the C-ITS CAF Models
- 4. Stakeholder Consultation
- 4.1 Approach, stakeholders and questions
- 4.2 Key Findings
- 4.2.1 Overall scope and basic assumptions
- 4.2.2 Main models and overarching governance architecture
- 4.2.3 Evaluation criteria and evaluation of the models
- 5. Discussion on Future Work and Main Findings
- 5.1 Considerations on the future work
- 5.2 Considerations on hybrid model options
- 6. Conclusions and Recommendations
- 6.1 Conclusions
- 6.2 Recommendations
- References
- Appendix A Literature List
- Appendix B C-ITS Trials/Pilots in ANZ
- Appendix C ISO/IEC 17000 Series
- Appendix D Stakeholder Consultation Comments