Implementation Framework

This framework sets out the rationale and approach for establishing long term implementation of AFTD as a role for Austroads. It outlines the expected scope of an implementation strategy and proposes a framework to guide strategy development and delivery. It describes two initial phases of activity.

  • Phase 1 - the initial publication and communication requirements for the next edition of AFTD
  • Phase 2 – the development of a detailed strategy and implementation plan based on stakeholder engagement and discovery work.

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Assessing Fitness to Drive Implementation Strategy 2022

The Implementation Framework has formed the basis of stakeholder consultation in the second half of 2021 towards development of a medium to long-term Implementation Strategy for standards aimed at ensuring widespread, consistent and appropriate application of Assessing Fitness to Drive nationally.

Based on feedback regarding the Implementation Framework and other inputs from stakeholders to date, the soon to be released Strategy has identified priorities for the next two years:

  • Establishing structures to enable ongoing stakeholder engagement, knowledge sharing and coordination of activities
  • Committing resources for key project building/management tasks such as project management and governance, website development and maintenance, general communication, and ongoing stakeholder engagement
  • Establishing mechanisms for ongoing health professional education, including partnering to deliver a national education approach for GPs
  • Informing the next Assessing Fitness to Drive review, including linking in with NTC review processes.

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