Links to External Resources
Australian Government
Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE)
BITRE provides a range of statistics and research reports. Research of particular relevance for future vehicles and technologies includes modelling of Electric Vehicle (EV) uptake published in 2019 and costs and benefits of emerging transport technologies published in 2017.
Australian Renewal Energy Agency (ARENA)
ARENA’s website includes a projects section that has information on several EV initiatives to which ARENA has contributed funding.
National Transport Commission (NTC)
The NTC website’s section on Automated Vehicles (AVs) sets out the NTC’s work on AV regulatory reform and guidelines for trials.
ITS Australia
ITS Australia has a project dashboard that shows a range of ITS projects across Australia.
iMOVE CRC international projects list
The iMOVE Cooperative Research Centre maintains a list of international projects of interest with links to the project web pages. Projects in which iMOVE is a participant are included in the iMOVE project listing.
The FOT-Net Wiki is an international resource of Field Operational Tests for future vehicles and technologies. The resource was funded by a European Union project, but includes 100+ projects from around the world.
European Union
The Connected Automated Driving website results from a European Union (EU) funded research coordination project. In additional to news updates, it includes a knowledge base that consolidates the wide variety of research, innovation and policy activities happening across the EU for AVs and CVs.
The European ITS Platform website is a central point of information relating to the use of transport technology on strategic corridors within the EU. Within the website, the page on facilitating automated driving (sub-activity 4.2 within the EIP project) includes a roadmap for and impact assessments of automated driving.
Japanese Government
SIP-adus is a Japanese Government Strategic Innovation Program (SIP) for Automated Driving for Universal Services (adus). The website includes information about Japanese field operational tests as well as research and conference proceedings.
United States Government
US Department of Transportation (USDOT)
The USDOT ITS Joint Program Office (JPO) maintains a knowledge resources site that includes separately addressed pages for each of:
- Deployment statistics with information on where and how many ITS devices have been deployed across the US, including a recent (2019) survey of deployments associated with Connected Vehicles (CVs) and Automated Vehicles (AVs)
- Benefits database with example statements of benefits from prior ITS deployments for the benefit areas of safety, mobility, efficiency, productivity, energy and environmental impacts and customer satisfaction
- Costs database with cost examples for prior ITS deployments and sample unit cost information
- Lessons learned with lessons learned examples from prior ITS deployments
- Executive briefings with summarised information on selected ITS deployment types suitable for non-ITS executives
The scope of the knowledge resources site is all ITS initiatives, which includes future vehicles and technologies as well as more traditional ITS on arterial roads and freeways.
The USDOT ITS DataHub provides public access to USDOT data sets such as the Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) feed registry and archive as well as other AV and CV initiatives.
The USDOT has an Automated Vehicles web site that consolidates its work on AVs. Links are provided to policy activities, to Voluntary Safety Self-Assessments by AV developers, to a series of related additional resources and to research projects across the administrations that sit within USDOT.
An agency within USDOT, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a web tool tracking testing of AVs, including both private and government efforts.
The USDOT also has a web site to consolidate information on their work on Connected Vehicles (CVs). A related web site focusses on the CV Pilot Deployments undertaken by USDOT and their partners. Detailed information can be found on each of the three active projects in Tampa (Florida), New York City and Wyoming.
US Department of Energy
The US Department of Energy maintains a web site with information about EVs, including both plug-in and fuel cell technologies. In addition to information about vehicles, costs and benefits, there is information about readiness for EVs that includes a guide to lessons learned published in 2014.
Last updated: May 2021.