Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Austroads has released new research aimed at enhancing the quality and consistency of health assessments for commercial vehicle drivers regarding fitness for duty and licensing. This effort is detailed in a newly published report based on surveys conducted by Austroads among medical practitioners and practices.
The survey’s results provide valuable insights into the educational and resource needs of medical practitioners, as well as attitudes towards the recognition and certification of practices and practitioners.
“The survey helped us to understand the challenges and opportunities in work health assessments,” said An Rendell, Project Manager of Austroads’ Assessing Fitness to Drive. “The findings underscore the need for increased focus on issues like driver awareness and clearer standards.”
In addition to these insights, the report emphasised the importance of improving education and resources for medical practitioners who conduct health assessments for commercial vehicle drivers.
“We surveyed over 500 individuals,” An noted. “This included more than 150 TruckSafe medical practitioners and 350 members of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine over a two-month period.”
The survey’s findings noted a complex interplay of factors, encompassing challenges faced by drivers and systemic issues that require attention, alongside efforts to educate health professionals.
The report outlines steps needed to improve practice, including the development of a new and comprehensive strategy and targeted education as well as effective communication tools for practitioners.
“This project will strengthen the standards and procedures surrounding commercial vehicle driver health assessments,” said An. “It will contribute to making the industry and broader community much safer on our roads.”