Thursday, 29 July 2021

Austroads has published seven updated Pavement Work Tips that contain practical advice on the use of bitumen and asphalt.
The Pavement Work Tips are jointly produced by Austroads Asphalt Research Reference Group and the Australian Flexible Pavement Association. The Work Tips provide easy-to-digest information on various pavement construction aspects and should be of assistance to all pavement practitioners.
The following Work Tips have been recently updated:
- Initial Treatments – Priming of Pavements provides guidance on the selection and design of primes.
- Sprayed Sealing – Joint Locations and Effect on Binder Application Rates considers traffic distribution and its effect on the suitable location of joints and where the design Binder Application Rates should be varied to allow for the expected traffic volume.
- Sprayed Sealing – Uniformity and Neatneness details work practices that help ensure uniformity of Binder Application Rates and neatness of joints in sprayed seals.
- Geotextile Reinforced Seals provides a guide to the use of geotextile reinforced sprayed seals.
- Cape Seals is a guide to the use of Cape Seals.
- Sprayed Sealing – Surface Enrichment provides a guide to the light application of bituminous binder to an existing asphalt or spray seal surface to increase the binder level on the surface and prevent aggregate loss.
- Preparing Pavements for Resealing – Planning of Works provides guidelines for the planning of works in preparation for resealing.