Thursday, 22 December 2022

World-leading experts converged in Brisbane earlier this month to foster collaboration between government and industry working on standards for internationally interoperable, secure and privacy-preserving mobile driver licences and digital identity.
The event hosted by Austroads and the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads provided a platform for transport associations and their members to share global experience and hold policy discussions on digital identity and digital licences.
The international associations included the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA), the Association of European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities (EReg).
“Austroads continues to work with our colleagues in the USA, Europe and the Indo Pacific to ensure we are moving in the same direction to achieve global recognition of each other's mobile driver licences. Resource sharing and effective collaboration are crucial in the development of digital products that are interoperable and designed to protect customers’ privacy and security,” said Austroads Chief Executive Geoff Allan.
Mike McCaskill, AAMVA’s Director, Identity Programs said, “We were excited to continue strengthening our relationships with Austroads and EReg and to see the continue efforts of our industry partners to work with government in developing and aligning to a secure and interoperable identity standard.”
Geoff Allan also noted that, “In light of the recent and very public data breaches in Australia, this collaboration with industry and government will help ensure identities are effectively protected.”
As part of the event, the International Organization for Standardization’s committee working on mobile driver licences and digital identity [ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC17/WG10] met to discuss how the existing 18013-5 standard can be improved and to continue the development of 18013-7 standard to preserve customers’ privacy with secure and interoperable products.
Global vendors and government bodies working with mobile wallets and driver licences also held a series of events to test the standards for clarity and completeness.
Austroads, AAMVA and EReg have been working with global vendors since 2014 to deliver international standards for mobile driver licences and mobile identity.
Servi Beckers, Chairman of the Association of European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities (EReg) stated, “It is a testament to our sister agencies and industry partners that we have been able to collaborate and publish a globally leading standard that can give confidence to our citizens that they can use their identities and credentials across jurisdictions but doing it in a way that their identities are protected.”
AAMVA, Austroads and EReg are investigating what is needed for worldwide acceptance of the standards.