- Publication no: AGBT08-19
- ISBN: 978-1-925854-20-6
- Published: 6 June 2019
- Edition: 2.1
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Guide to Bridge Technology Part 8 provides a guideline for issues related to the waterway design of bridges. It covers various topics such as design flood standards and estimation methods, general considerations in waterway design and design considerations of waterway structures. Design of new bridges for scour, scour countermeasures, as well as monitoring and evaluation of scour at existing bridge sites are also included.
Edition 2.1 corrects equation 41.
Edition 2.1 corrects equation 41 on page 102.
This Guide reinstates the superseded Austroads’ 1994 Waterway Design: A Guide to the Hydraulic Design of Bridges, Culverts and Floodways. This version provides updated details and information based on the latest technology and incorporates the US Federal Highway Administration publications that are currently being used in Australian and New Zealand practices.
- 5.4.1 General
- 5.4.2 Design Approach
- 5.4.3 Live-bed Contraction Scour
- 5.4.4 Clear-water Contraction Scour
- 5.4.5 Contraction Scour with Backwater
- 5.4.6 Contraction Scour in Cohesive Materials
- 5.4.7 Contraction Scour in Erodible Rock
- 5.4.8 Mean Velocity Method
- 5.4.9 Scour at Abutments
- 5.4.10 Local Scour at Piers
- 5.4.11 Pressure Flow Scour
- 5.4.12 Worked Examples