- Publication no: AGPT04F-17
- ISBN: 978-1-925451-98-6
- Published: 7 August 2017
- Edition: 2
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Guide to Pavement Technology Part 4F: Bituminous Bindersprovides guidance on the use of bituminous materials in road construction and maintenance. Bituminous materials include bitumen obtained from refining crude petroleum oil and products derived from bitumen through additional manufacturing processes or the use of additives. Reference is also made to other sources of bituminous materials and non-bituminous binders.
The Guide introduces bituminous binder technology, including the properties, composition and principal assessment tests of bituminous materials. It also discusses the selection of bituminous binder types for particular applications.
Edition 2.0 includes comprehensive technical and editorial revisionsto the text. Guidance on safety and environmental issues has been updated toreflect current legislative requirements (Section 2) along with informationrelating to bitumen and polymer modified binder (PMB) specifications(Sections 3, 4 and 6). Information on testing of binders has been updated toreflect current practice (Sections 3, 4 and 6 and Appendix A). Additionalinformation on cutback bitumen, PMBs and bitumen emulsions has also beenincluded (Sections 5, 6 and 7). The sections relating to other types of binders(Section 8) and bituminous binder additives (Section 9) have been updated toinclude additional materials and the results of recent Austroads studies. TheGuide has also been updated in terms of the information contained in themain document and appendix to improve overall readability.