- Publication no: AGPT04G-09
- ISBN: 978-1-921551-68-0
- Published: 17 July 2009
- Edition: 1.1
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Geotextiles discussed in Part 4G are made essentially from polymer mixtures. Geotextiles are permeable fabric materials used in engineering applications. They can be used to separate, reinforce, filter or drain. They may be used to provide protection to waterproof membranes from puncture by overlying rocks. This document is a guide to enable the selection of an appropriate geotextile for a given situation. It provides information to enable the designer to choose the right type of geotextile and one which is adequate for the design. Construction aspects that need to be considered when using geotextiles are discussed in the Guide to Pavement Technology Part 8.
Edition 1.1 updates the Guide format, and corrects equations A1 (section A.2.1) and A19 (Section A.2.7).
- 5.4.1 Determination of Tensile Properties – Wide Strip Method
- 5.4.2 Determination of Tearing Strength – Trapezoidal Method
- 5.4.3 Determination of Burst Strength – California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Plunger Method
- 5.4.4 Determination of Puncture Resistance – Drop Cone Method
- 5.4.5 Determination of Seam Strength
- 5.6.1 Resistance to Degradation by Light, Heat and Moisture
- 5.6.2 Resistance to Degradation by Hydrocarbons or Chemical Reagents
- 5.6.3 Resistance to Certain Microbiological Agents
- 5.6.4 Abrasion Resistance of Geotextiles ASTM Method
- 5.6.5 Abrasion Resistance BAW Method
- 5.6.6 Evaluating the Unconfined Tension Creep and Creep Rupture Behaviour of Geosynthetics
- 5.6.7 Determination of Pullout Resistance in Soil
- 5.6.8 Resistance to Dynamic Perforation Loads (BAW Method)
- Appendix A 2.1 Determination of Granular Thickness h0 for Less than 20 Axle Passes without Geotextile and Rut Depth of 75 mm
- Appendix A 2.2 Determination of Granular Thickness h’0 for Greater than 20 Axle Passes Without Geotextile and Rut Depth Greater then 75mm
- Appendix A 2.3 Determination of Granular Thickness h for Less than 20 Axle Passes with Geotextile Reinforcement and Rut Depth of 75 mm
- Appendix A 2.4 Determination of Reduction in Granular Thickness ∆h due to Geotextile Reinforcement
- Appendix A 2.5 Determination of Reduction in Granular Thickness h’ for Greater than 20 Axle Passes with Geotextile Reinforcement and 75 mm Rut Depth
- Appendix A 2.6 Determination of Additional Reduction in Granular Thickness due to Reinforcement ∆hKr for Greater than 20 Axle Passes and Rut Depths Greater than 75 mm
- Appendix A 2.7 Adjustment to Granular Thickness for Geotextile Modulus and Rut Depth Greater than 75 mm