- Publication no: AGPT04I-09
- ISBN: 978-1-921551-27-7
- Published: 1 March 2009
- Edition: 1.1
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Part 4I: Earthworks Materials provides advice on the general requirements for earthworks materials and the characteristics of material types used in a range of specific applications. The advice has been generally developed from the approaches followed by Austroads member authorities. However, as it encompasses the wide range of materials and conditions found in Australia and New Zealand, some parts are broadly based. Desirable properties, test methods and test limits which could be included in an earthworks specification are related to availability of materials and knowledge of their performance in any particular locality. The Guide also discusses the suitability for stabilisation of earthworks materials and provides direction on borrow pit selection and design.
Edition 1.1 updates the Guide format, no text changes were made.