Project Delivery
![Cover of National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction (2022 Edition)](
- Publication no: AP-C96-22
- ISBN: 978-1-922700-58-2
- Published: 15 September 2022
- Edition: 2.2
- PDF (free) Download
The National Prequalification System (NPS) delivers a harmonised framework for roadworks and bridgeworks construction contracts. Companies wishing to submit tenders to Australian road agencies for these contracts must be prequalified under the NPS.
These guidelines have been prepared as a template for road agencies to adapt for use within their local jurisdiction. They can be downloaded as a PDF or Word file from the supporting documents tab.
Edition 2.2 updates Edition 2.1 published in August 2019 with changes to:
- clause 6.9 Appeals so that it no longer refers to an industry representative
- the assessment criteria in table B1 for the minimum number of professional engineers for R4/B4 and R5.
Companies should not use this version of the guidelines to submit their applications for prequalification or mutual recognition. Each road agency has produced a local version of the guidelines that can be downloaded from their website.
The 2010 report National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction Contracts provides an overview of the development of the NPS. The operational guidelines in that report have been superseded by these Guidelines.
Edition 2.2 updates Edition 2.1 published in August 2019 with changes to:
- clause 6.9 Appeals so that it no longer refers to an industry representative
- the assessment criteria in table B1 for the minimum number of professional engineers for R4/B4 and R5.
Edition 2.1 updates Edition 2.0 published in August 2017.
In Edition 2.1 the assessment criteria for Work Health and Safety in Appendix B has been updated.