Date: Thursday, 15 June 2023
Location: Online, 1:00 – 2:00pm AEST
Organiser: Austroads
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The current learner approved motorcycle scheme (LAMS) was introduced in NSW in 2002 to replace the 250cc engine capacity limit for novice riders (i.e., those on learner and provisional licenses) as race replica 250cc motorcycles were over-represented in fatal and serious injury (FSI) crashes. It was subsequently adopted by VIC, QLD, SA, NT, WA, TAS, and New Zealand, albeit with some amendments in some jurisdictions. A formal review of the LAMS has not been performed since its introduction.
This webinar presented by Dr Tana Tan will provide an overview of the Austroads project that reviewed the LAMS with the aim of bringing it up to date with the latest research and information and to ensure it provides optimal safety outcomes for novice motorcycle riders.
There will be question and answer opportunities during the session.
Dr Tana Tan is the research & evaluation lead at Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd and has over 15 years of experience as a researcher, project manager, consultant, and trainer. He has authored several peer reviewed papers on vehicle safety and has led several motorcycle safety projects. He is also motorcyclist thus, understands the safety issues in this field well. Tana has also led a number of projects including Austroads Guide to Road Safety Restructure and Update, Austroads Practical Guide for Managing and Regional Road Safety Priorities, Austroads LAMS Update, VicRoads/DoT Update of the Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly Guide, TfNSW ATLM and Motorcycle Stability Pilot Evaluation, and TAC Safe System Crash Investigation Program. He is also a reviewer for the Journal of Road Safety and recipient of the 2020 ACRS Young Leaders Oration Award.
No charge but registration is essential.
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