Webinar: Update to Guide to Temporary Traffic Management Part 8

Date: Wednesday, 2 April 2025
Location: Online, 1:00 – 2:00pm AEDT
Organiser: Austroads
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The National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management has been operational since January 2024 and has been implemented by South Australia, Victoria, Northern Territory and Tasmania. The Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) provides comprehensive guidance for the planning, design, and implementation of safe and efficient temporary traffic management practices in Australia and New Zealand. Substantial revisions have been made within AGTTM Part 8 relating to the national harmonisation of training associated with temporary traffic management. The purpose of updated content within AGTTM Part 8 is to bring the guide in line with National Harmonisation of Temporary Traffic Management, which includes the National Training Framework.

AGTTM Part 8 has been reviewed and updated to reflect Austroads members' agreed operational policy position on the Training Framework, RTO Approval Framework and Prequalification Scheme. These processes comply with a harmonised approach to work, health and safety requirements, and relevant training and educational requirements. Additional changes have been made to reflect industry best practices, clarify content, and address terminology consistently. Join us for a webinar presented by Point8’s Rosie Toohey and Peter Bilton.

Rosie Toohey is a skilled Senior Traffic Engineer and Project Manager. She has extensive experience in traffic engineering, temporary traffic management, road safety and civil construction, and is passionate about keeping all road users safe. Rosie leads Point8’s team supporting Austroads in the review and update of the AGTTM and provision of technical support to the TTM industry.

Peter Bilton is a Director and Principal Traffic Engineer. Peter has over 20 years experience in traffic engineering, temporary traffic management and road safety. He has overseen the research and publication of a number of Austroads guidelines including the current updates to AGTTM.

There will be question and answer opportunities during the session. No charge but registration is essential. Can't make the live session? Register and we'll send you a link to the recording.

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