DTS in the news

Austroads is a longstanding authority in verifying Australian driver licenses with its National Exchange of Vehicle and Driver Information System (NEVDIS) processing over two million verifications each month.

Since 2018, Austroads has led the development of international digital credentialing standards with its partner peak bodies the Association of American Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) and Association of European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities (EReg).

As there is  a concerted push across Australian states and territories to adopt the standards to ensure that digital driver licenses provide robust privacy protection, security, and cross-border compatibility, Austroads is developing to a national Digital Trust Service (DTS) to harmonise digital driver licenses and other credentials across Australia, enabling their use by any government agency or business at any time and place.

This section includes media releases from Austroads, as well as coverage from external media outlets that focus on developments and discussions related to the Austroads DTS.

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Contact the Project Director

Trevor Neroy


+61 2 8265 3316