Network Operations Planning Library

Who should implement recommendations

There is limited guidance about governance and the skill sets needed to implement NOPs. At the outset, determine who and the organisational structure required to implement each NOP.

Those involved in the implementation of NOPs has historically been reflective of their bottom-up use. With Movement and Place there is more of a top-down application, which is resulting in a boarder involvement of disciplines and associated governance structures.

Source material


Who should implement recommendations

Network Operations Planning Framework (2009)

Phase 6 - Implementation of Network Operations Plans with write-up p26-27 focuses on interdependencies and packaging of works, and interrelation with funding processes.

"Development of network operation plans should focus on the interactions between initiatives, on corridor (and to a lesser extent, off-corridor impacts), the need to review and potentially make operational adjustments to existing means of managing traffic flows, such as traffic signals, interactions between relevant government agencies and the potential responses by users, including mode shift (e.g. the introduction of a dedicated priority bus lane)."

Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management Strategies (2020)

Section 5.7 - Use and Implementation of the NOP on p68 focuses on how it will be used rather than by who.

"The NOP guides the operational services and activities that relate to the day-to-day management of the road network. The NOP may also include a prioritised list of projects that can be implemented through project-based programs.

The NOP can also be used to guide general decision-making on a range of operational, customer, project proposal, planning, and policy issues. Decisions that are likely to impact the operation of the network can be tested against the NOP to determine the extent to which a possible response will support (or otherwise) the operational objectives of the NOP."


Who should implement recommendations

ATAP National Guidelines for Transport System Management in Australia - Part 2: Strategic Transport Planning and Development (2006)

Phase 3 - System planning, at a glance box p35 states:

"System planning is undertaken through a combination of studies and stakeholder engagement."


Who should implement recommendations

Albany Highway - Route Operation Plan

  • No specific recommendations given within ROPs, but if operation issues arise, they are generally dealt with internally.
  • They are also used to consider planning applications and help provide feedback on them by the operation team, but statutory planners have final decisions on planning requirements.

Auckland - Traffic Network Management

As part of the Regional Land Transport Programme process

Hamilton City - Network Operating Plan

Those that were expected to use the NOP:

  • Development engineers
  • Transport operation staff
  • Traffic engineers
  • Asset managers
  • Industry (such as freight companies).

Launceston Network Operation - Preliminary Framework

  • State and Council
  • There will be list of specific actions allocated to different agencies
  • In Tasmania, the State controls the state road network, and Councils have delegation for most changes on the local road network

Warrigal Road Movement and Place – Intersection Operating Principles

  • The implementation team / delivery approach varies based on project scope and   complexity.
  • For Signal Route Review, the project team consists of personnel from Signal Operation and Network Performance Insights with support from others.
  • Signal Route Reviews are generally implemented by the Signal Operation team at DOT   (typically short-term actions). Those not able to be delivered through Signal Operation (due to capability, responsibility and/or funding) are passed onto relevant department.