Traffic Management

- Publication no: AGTM04-20
- ISBN: 978-1-925854-78-7
- Published: 28 April 2020
- Edition: 5.0
- PDF (free) Download
Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management Strategies provides guidance on traffic management at a network level. It addresses network needs of the various categories of user, the characteristics of various types of network and, importantly, describes a planning process for balancing or prioritising the competing needs of different users based on a movement and place framework view of the road network. It describes the Network Operation Plan, which provides a framework for defining the intent of operation of the network, the priorities accorded to the various road user groups, network strategies, and the action plan that defines how the network is to be managed, operated and developed.
The online version of the Guide is currently being built.
Fundamentals of Traffic Management: Online Training
These freely available online learning units cover the fundamentals of traffic management. The units cover 22 modules, each includes a video with in-session exercises.
The modules related to Guide to Traffic Management Part 4 are:
Edition 5.0 of the Guide has been updated with a new name and introduction to better reflect the content. What is network management has been made into Section 2. Section 5 was updated with minor changes to implement techniques for incident management to support network operation plans. The content in Section 4.4 was updated to take into consideration a corridor wide approach, transit lanes, performance monitoring and evaluation and policy. The content relating to planning and designing for pedestrians has been updated to reflect good practice.