Traffic Management
- Publication no: AGTM05-20
- ISBN: 978-1-925854-79-4
- Published: 28 April 2020
- Edition: 4.0
- PDF (free) Download
The Guide to Traffic Management Part 5: Link Management is concerned with traffic management on sections of road between major intersections. It focuses on traffic management issues and treatments related to various situations but does not provide dimensions or other details for the design of treatments as these are provided in the Guide to Road Design. Guidance on traffic management at intersections is provided in the Guide to Traffic Management Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings Management.
Part 5 presents detailed information and guidelines relating to the factors that need to be considered in applying traffic management techniques and treatments to road types that include motorways and expressways, urban arterial roads, urban local roads, rural highways and rural local roads. It considers the needs of all road users including pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, heavy vehicles and public transport. It provides the guidance under the four key areas of access management, road space requirements for general traffic use, allocation of road space between road users, lane management and speed limits.
The online version of the Guide is currently being built.
Fundamentals of Traffic Management: Online Training
These freely available online learning units cover the fundamentals of traffic management. The units cover 22 modules, each includes a video with in-session exercises.
The module related to Guide to Traffic Management Part 5 is:
Edition 4.0 of the Guide has been updated with a new name and introduction to better reflect the content. Additional changes to the guide include:
- Section 2 was created to provide an overview of network strategies that influence mid-block management
- Treatments for road space requirements of public transport was added in Section 5.2. The content relating to planning and designing for pedestrians has been updated to reflect good practice.