Traffic Management
- Publication no: AGTM13-20
- ISBN: 978-1-925854-87-9
- Published: 28 April 2020
- Edition: 4.0
- PDF (free) Download
Guide to Traffic Management Part 13: Safe System Approach to Transport Management is concerned with traffic management practice under the Safe System philosophy. The Guide emphasises the need for the road system to provide an environment which assists road users to behave effectively and safely. It considers the role of traffic management in influencing road user behaviour, and provides guidance for practitioners specifically on road safety aspects of traffic management.
Part 13 defines a safe road environment and the broad approaches for achieving it. It outlines basic human factors as related to users of the road and traffic environment, and how these can be influenced by road design and traffic management practice. It also describes the basic components of road safety engineering and its application in terms of risk engineering concepts, primary strategies and safety management systems, and outlines the principles and practice of managing safety in the road environment, as related to road infrastructure features and the basic tools of traffic engineering and management.
The online version of the Guide is currently being built.
Fundamentals of Traffic Management: Online Training
These freely available online learning units cover the fundamentals of traffic management. The units cover 22 modules, each includes a video with in-session exercises.
The module related to Guide to Traffic Management Part 13 is:
Edition 4.0 of this guide has been updated with a new name and introduction to better reflect the content. Additional changes include the addition of Section 2 using existing content to link to the National Road Safety Strategies and to Safe System.