Transport Network Operations Program

The aim of the Transport Network Operations Program is to Improve mobility for all users within the transport system.

The transport of people and goods is essential to the economic and social development of the community. Substantial investment is made in road networks to facilitate this.

The development and management of the road network is faced with several challenges: continuing growth in vehicle ownership and usage; increasing traffic congestion in urban areas; trends toward larger (and more efficient) freight vehicles; continuing concern for safety improvements; and increasing concern about environmental impacts.

The central challenge is to address these often conflicting issues in a manner that balances economic, social and environmental objectives appropriately. The effective management of the road transport system is fundamental to making the best use of the existing road network.

The work of the Transport Network Operations Program is informed by three task forces:

  • Network Task Force | which oversees five Technical Reference Groups (TRGs):
    • Traffic Management TRG focused on traffic management and traffic engineering practice
    • Intelligent Transport Systems TRG focused on ITS assets deployed on smart motorways, arterial roads and in regional and remote areas, across the whole asset and project lifecycles
    • Data & Information TRG focused on transport network operations data applications (including real-time, network performance and optimisation), data sources, and strategic and operational processes
    • Transport Management Centre TRG focused on real-time transport operations functions (including incident and event management, and ITS operations)
    • Network Operations Planning TRG focused on integrated transport planning through Movement and Place and Network Operations Planning frameworks

Program Contacts

Program Manager: Amy Naulls
P: +61 2 8265 3384

Program Coordinator: Norah Disha
P: +61 2 8265 3334