Categories and levels

The National Prequalification System considers financial and technical capacity separately as these components represent different types of risks.

The system identifies prequalification categories for road construction, bridge construction and financial levels.

Contractors are approved for prequalification based on an assessment of their capacity to undertake contracts of varying risk and technical and financial complexity in accordance with these categories and levels.

In December 2015 the descriptions of the categories were updated and expanded. The revised descriptions detail how categories are assessed and provide improved guidance for contractors.

Roadworks Categories

Road categories relating to the construction of general roadworks are identified by the letter ‘R’ (R1R2R3R4 and R5).  Works include earthworks, pavement and drainage works that could reasonably be expected to be satisfactorily constructed by a general civil engineering contractor with the relevant experience and background.

Bridgeworks Categories

Bridge categories relate to contracts for works involving structures that could reasonably be expected to be satisfactorily completed by a civil engineering contractor with the relevant experience and background.  Bridge categories identified by the letter ‘B’ (B1B2B3 and B4).

Financial Levels

Prequalification financial levels refers to a contractor’s financial stability, solvency, and capacity to manage cash flow requirements throughout a nominal contract period of 12 months assuming a relatively even spread of cash flow over that period. Financial levels are identified by the letter ‘F’ (F0.25, F1, F2, F5, F10, F15, F20, F25, F50, F75, F100, F150 and F150 PLUS).

Prequalification Guidelines

The system is documented in the National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction (2022 Edition).