RIISS00061 - Traffic Management Implementer Skill Set for High Volume Roads (Release 2)
This skill set addresses the skills and knowledge required for those responsible for traffic management implementation on Temporary Traffic Management Category 2 environments as described in the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management.
Pathways Information
The units provide credit towards a number of Certificate II and Certificate III qualifications in the RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package and other training packages, such as RII30920 Certificate III in Civil Construction or equivalent.
Entry Requirement
This skill set may only be undertaken in addition to:
- completion of the RIISS00060 Traffic Management Implementer Skill Set for Urban Streets and Low Volume Rural Roads; and
- at least one month experience applying skills and knowledge relevant to the above-mentioned skill set in a temporary traffic management workplace; and
- providing evidence of relevant experience setting up at least 12 temporary traffic management types including high speed roads or high-volume roads, and at least two of the following types:
- pedestrian and cyclist controls
- construction sites
- lane closures
- shoulder closures
- night works
- use of portable traffic control devices
- motorways or freeways.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
This skill set has been created to align to the requirements of individuals responsible for traffic management implementation on a site and road workers under their direction, as described in the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management on Temporary Traffic Management Category 2 environments. Licensing, legislative and certification requirements that apply to this skill set can vary between states, territories, and industry sectors. Users must check requirements with the relevant body before applying the skill set.
Skill Set Requirements
Successful completion of the following two units of competency inclusive of at least three different types of setups practical experience applying the relevant skills and knowledge in a temporary traffic management workplace:
- RIIBEF301D Run on-site operations
- RIIWHS304 Implement traffic management plans on high volume roads.
The assessment for the units of competency comprises both theoretical and practical components. The practical assessment component is to be undertaken after the practical experience is gained. Practical experience requirements must be completed on declared Temporary Traffic Management Category 2 roads within at least six months of successfully completing the theoretical component.
Target Group
This skill set is for individuals responsible for traffic management implementation on a site and road workers under their direction on Temporary Traffic Management Category 2 roads.
Suggested Words for Statement of Attainment
These units of competency from the RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package meet industry requirements for individuals responsible for traffic management implementation on a site and road workers under their direction on Temporary Traffic Management Category 2 environments, as described in the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management.
Updated 17 May 2022.