4.5 Reinstatement of licences or removal or variation of licence conditions
Situations may arise in which a medical condition improves to such an extent that the patient’s licence restriction may be reconsidered by the driver licensing authority, resulting
in reinstatement of the licence or removal or variation of licence conditions, including requirements for periodic medical review.
Under such circumstances a letter or notification to this effect from the treating health professional to the licensing authority (refer to Appendix 2.2. Medical condition notification form) should include:
- details of the requirements now met which were not previously met (refer to medical criteria in this document)
- the response to treatment, interventions and/ or rehabilitation and the long-term prognosis
- the duration of improvement
- other relevant information including consideration of the driving task (e.g. the requirements of a person who drives occasionally to the shops are likely to be different from those of a person undertaking extensive interstate travel or who drives regularly as part of their employment/ voluntary work).
The driver licensing authority will consider the request and advise the driver of their determination; licence decisions may be contingent on the requirement for the driver or applicant to undertake and pass an on-road evaluation to confirm their driving abilities.