7. Construction
The construction of sprayed seals involves a number of phases, including:
- planning and programming
- scheduling and organising
- pavement/surface preparation
- sprayed sealing operations
- recording and monitoring of the completed works and payment.
These phases take place over a considerable period of time. Depending upon the scope of the work, the time between planning and finishing the job could be weeks or even months.
A brief outline of the principal activities involved in sprayed sealing operations is provided below. Details of the construction of sprayed seals are provided in the Guide to Pavement Technology Part 8: Pavement Construction (Austroads 2009b). Further useful information on the construction of sprayed seals is provided in manuals prepared by road agencies (Roads and Traffic Authority 1997; VicRoads and Geopave 2004; Transit New Zealand, Road Controlling Authorities & Roading New Zealand 2005) as well as Austroads/AAPA Pavement Work Tips. The work tips may be directly accessed from the Austroads website.
Workplace health and safety is an important requirement in all construction work. Requirements for sprayed sealing works include signing and provision for traffic, working with machinery and working with bituminous materials. Guidelines for safe handling of bituminous materials are provided in Austroads (2015).