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Australian/New Zealand Standards
AS 1141, Methods for sampling and testing aggregates.
AS 1141.15, Methods for sampling and testing aggregates: Flakiness index.
AS 1141.20.1, Methods for sampling and testing aggregates: average least dimension: direct measurement (nominal size 10 mm and greater).
AS 1141.20.2, Methods for sampling and testing aggregates: average least dimension: direct measurement (nominal sizes 5 mm and 7 mm).
AS 1141.20.3, Methods for sampling and testing aggregates: average least dimension: calculation (nomograph).
AS 1160, Bituminous emulsions for construction and maintenance of pavements.
AS 2008, Residual bitumen for pavements.
AS 2157, Cutback bitumen.
AS 2758.2, Aggregates and rock for engineering purposes: part 2: aggregates for sprayed bituminous surfacing.
AS 3706.1, Geotextiles: methods of test: part 1: general requirements, sampling, conditioning, basic physical properties and statistical analysis.
ASTM 2005, Standard test method to determine asphalt retention of paving fabrics used in asphalt paving for full-width application, D6140-00.
NZS 4407, Methods of sampling and testing road aggregates.