3.3.9 Geotextile Reinforced Seal (GRS)
Geotextile reinforced seals (GRSs) are produced by spraying a layer of bitumen onto a pavement (bond coat), then covering this bitumen with a layer of geotextile and lightly rolling.
GRS can be used to provide more robust waterproofing, and as a SAM or a SAMI treatment, and may be considered the most effective technique when treating badly cracked and distressed bound and unbound pavements. A double/double seal is typically applied over the geotextile (Figure 3.12) if it is intended to be a SAM wearing course, with single/single generally only used for SAMI applications.
Geotextile seals are more sensitive to weather conditions during and several weeks after construction, and as such they should be programmed to allow trafficking in warm weather.