Appendix C 5.1 Job Details
A single-lane road from a quarry is to be sealed. The road will carry traffic in one direction only, as vehicles are leaving the quarry site. The road is flat and straight.
A new cement stabilised pavement has been constructed. The pavement was primed with AMC00 at a rate of 0.7 L/m2 based on guidance from Table 5.4 and the results of small-scale trials conducted on site. Traffic was diverted from the road for 5 days while the prime cured.
Following curing, a ball penetration test on the primed surface gave a value of 2.5 mm.
Traffic is estimated to be 250 AADT, with 50% of that traffic being heavy vehicles, made up of 35% SHV and 15% LHV.
A HSS1 seal will be used for the quarry access road.