3.4.5 Acrylic Oil Resistant Seal
Acrylic seals may be used as oil resistant treatments for known problem areas, such as bus stops, bus bays, bus parking areas and traffic lights, where the repeated deposition of oil and diesel spillage causes ravelling of the asphalt.
The acrylic binders are available commercially as two (or three) part acrylic resin systems. The aggregate should be fine, washed sand.
The same careful preparation of pavements for application of acrylic seals is required as that described for high‑friction surface treatments.
Acrylic seal treatments are proprietary products, and design and application guidance should be sought from the manufacturer. The sprayed seal design methods outlined in this Guide do not apply to acrylic seal treatments.
An acrylic seal treatment consists of the application of acrylic binder using either an airless spray gun, paint roller, squeegees or brooms followed immediately by fine aggregate. The aggregate is not rolled as the random orientation and shape of the aggregate particles provides the desired texture.
Where the binder is applied in two coats, each application should be made at right angles to the previous layer. Curing time may take up to six hours before the pavement is suitable for trafficking. The curing time of the resin depends on road temperature and weather conditions.